Caroline Appleby
Megan Brett
Outreach coordinator (2018–2019)
Faolan Cheslack-Postava
Sylvester Keil
Lead developer
Johannes Krtek
Product designer
Anita Lucchesi
Outreach coordinator
Jessica Mack
Outreach coordinator (2020–2022)
Roberto Martínez
Developer (2019–2020)
Douglas McRae
Outreach coordinator
Abby Mullen
Principal investigator (2016–2022)
Stephen Robertson
Co-PI (2015–2018)
Jim Safley
Metadata specialist
Kirill Stytsenko
Developer (2017–2018)
Sean Takats
Principal investigator
- The letters in screenshot 1 are from The New York Public Library.
- These specimens in screenshot 2 are from Wikimedia Commons: Akzidenz Grotesk, Johnston, Erbar, Gill Sans, Futura, Kabel, Metro, Twentieth Century, Semplicità, Tempo, Microgramma, Folio, Helvetica, Univers, Syntax.
- The posters in screenshot 3 are courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.
- The plate in screenshot 4 is from The New York Public Library.
- The plates in the platforms figure are from Rawpixel Ltd.